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2 Wheels Against Cancer

Latest News 

March 10, 2017

Paul's Ride

My name is Paul Blough, and I am bicycling approximately 2,100 miles in honor of my late wife, Shelia, who passed away October 19, 2016 from pancreatic cancer.  I depart for my "Ride Against Cancer" on April 14th - Good Friday. I will begin pedaling from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, with a final destination of Johns Hopkins Cancer Center in Baltimore, MarylandThe websites of MD Anderson and Johns Hopkins are available for donations online by clicking the “donate” button above. If you prefer to donate by check, you can pay to the order of

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one of the two cancer research centers and mail directly to them. Please do make reference to “2 Wheels Against Cancer” in the memo of the check.

Our personal story is available by clicking on the “Our Story” button. I realize that ours is not unique, but many of you who have lost loved ones or are currently suffering from cancer may certainly identify. My hope is that this website would provide more awareness for the importance of cancer research as well as my own motivation for this ride.

Note: When donating to MD Anderson: click on the "Donate" button and when on the Donate form click on the box labeled "other" and type in "Shelia, which is the code word for tracking donations for this event.

See my facebook page for daily updates.

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